I had a friend where it turned out that she hated my guts, all through our friendship. I thought she...

I had a friend where it turned out that she hated my guts, all through our friendship. I thought she was my best friend, and then, in high school, she turned on me and had sordid affairs with all of the people that I'd dated. It was less hurtful because I was in high school, so it was more like, 'What's wrong with you? Gross!'

The Meaning of This Quote

This quote is about a person who had a close friend in high school that they thought was their best friend. They later discover that the friend actually hated them and went on to date all the people that the first person had romantically been involved with. The person reacting to this was less hurt, because they were in high school and thought it was gross behavior.

The Author / Authors of This Quote

Mae Whitman
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