The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without chara...

The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle.From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.

The Meaning of This Quote

This quote is about the seven social sins. Wealth without work means having money without having to do any work for it – for example, inheriting a lot of money from your family. Pleasure without conscience means taking pleasure or enjoyment from something, even if it is morally wrong. Knowledge without character means having lots of knowledge or information but no morals or values to help guide you through life. Commerce without morality means that businesses do not think about the morality of their decisions or actions, only about how to make money. Science without humanity means using science and technology for things that lack compassion and help for people in need. Worship without sacrifice means only coming to worship and praying in moments when it is convenient, instead of understanding that true worship requires giving something back up to God. Politics without principle means that political leaders are more focused on their own selfish needs and do not act with principle and ethics.

The Author / Authors of This Quote

Frederick Lewis Donaldson
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