What thoughts are to the individual, art is to the community as a whole. That’s where you refl...

What thoughts are to the individual, art is to the community as a whole. That's where you reflect on who you are, who you hope to be, what you've gone through, and where you hope to go.

The Meaning of This Quote

This quote is saying that art is like an individual’s thoughts; it reflects the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of an entire community. Art can be used to express the shared values, ideas, and beliefs of a group. Through art, a community can explore who they are, explore their hopes and dreams, and express their history and culture. Art can also serve as a platform for collective reflection, helping people to come together and gain perspective on their shared experience. In short, art provides a way for a community to explore, understand, and appreciate itself.

The Author / Authors of This Quote

Wendell Pierce
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