What’s great about the geek spirit is that life never seems to stop us, and they never seem to...

What's great about the geek spirit is that life never seems to stop us, and they never seem to kill our enthusiasm, our optimism and our hunger to experience the world. We keep our sense of humor, we protect our dignity, we talk to our friends about the experience and then we start again fresh the very next day.

The Meaning of This Quote

This quote is talking about the geek spirit which is the enthusiasm, optimism and interest in learning about the world that geeks usually have. It is great because it helps them stay positive and never give up even after facing a setback or bad experience. They maintain their good sense of humor, defend their self-worth, and talk it out with their friends. Then tomorrow is a new day and a chance to start over again.

The Author / Authors of This Quote

Paul Feig
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